Monday, October 06, 2008

Grave side service in College Place, WA

We will be having a brief, grave side service for mom at the Mt. Hope cemetery on Thursday, Oct. 9 at 1 pm. All those who are interested may attend. This may be closer for some of you instead of Portland. Phyllis will be buried next to her mother and father on the hill that overlooks Walla Walla University (College).


Anonymous said...

Dear Don and Family,

George and I were stunned by the news of Phillis' death. All day yesterday, when I first heard the news, my mind was trying to believe it was really true.

Please know that many times a day my prayers go up to our Heavenly Father asking Him to comfort and sustain all of you.

Thank you for this blog spot where we can share and for providing the details about how she died. It has been helpful in coming to really believe it's true.

I have fond memories of Phyllis including a fabulous meal in her home along with a special piano piece she played for her guests.

Don, you will sorely miss the plucky little lady who hiked many a mile with you in this life. She will never know what it would be like to grow old and feeble and the next time we see her...well, it's going to be on hiking trails that far surpass her best memories of any trails on earth.

Holding you close in prayer,

George and Dena Guthrie

Anonymous said...

Dear Don, David, Heather & Family,

We are so in shock over hearing the news about Phyliss. She was a wonderful lady, and will be missed by us and so many others.

I know my Mom and her have been close friends since highschool, and my Mom, especially, is having a very hard time with this news. Mom and Dad are so glad though, that they were able to spend some wonderful time with Phyliss and your family this past summer.

And Steve, I, and the kids enjoyed staying at your lovely home a few years ago, after our honeymoon. You all were so hospitable to us, and we have some fond memories of our visit there with you as well.

Please know that we have you in our prayers constantly. May God comfort you during this difficult time.

Waiting to see her again in the Heavenly Kingdom.

Until then, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Love to you all,
Steve & Debby Keeton

Anonymous said...

My parents, Dr. Glenn and Enid Bolton, spoke so fondly of Don and Phyllis who shared outdoor adventures with them. Also delighting in backpacking and mountain climbing, they too would be saddened for your loss. Phyllis will be at rest near where they are, also at Mt. Hope, appropriately within sight of the Blue Mountains.

Our hearts go out to all of you. May your faith sustain you and bring you peace at last.

Nita Bolton-Hamilton